June 21, 2021

Source information: Culture and Trends Report 2021

For sourcing on Culture and Trends Report: Innovation in Adverse Times, visit https://besewaimao.xyz/trends/articles/report-sources-tr20/.

Global Claims

"Drivers license" is among the twenty most-viewed tracks worldwide in 2021 so far.

Drivers license views Source: YouTube data, global, Jan 2021 – May 2021.

Olivia Rodrigo has seen over 1B views globally in 2021.

Source: YouTube. YouTube data, global, Jan 2021 – May 2021.

Eight of the top 10 24-hour debuts are from K-pop artists: BLACKPINK and BTS.

Source: YouTube All-Time Top 24 Hour Music Debuts [link: https://besewaimao.xyz/trends/records/?record=top-24-hour-music-debuts]

BTS' "Butter" owns the record for biggest Premiere (3.9M peak concurrents) and biggest 24 hour music video debut (108.2M).

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time.

BTS teaser livestream for "Butter" saw over 960K peak concurrent views, and has amassed over 13M views in total.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021.

Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover Land on Mars! livestream received more than 2M peak concurrent viewers.

Source: YouTube data, global, 18 Feb 2021.

Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover Land on Mars! has earned more than 21M views. Source: YouTube.

YouTube data, global, all-time.

NASA's official channel has earned over 350M views in the last 12 months.

Source: NASA channel views, global, May 2020 – Apr 2021

Marilia Mendonca's live stream performance earned 3.3 million peak concurrent viewers. Source: YouTube data, global, April 2020.

"Montero" reached #1 on the Top Songs chart in over 20 markets.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021.

There have been over 1,500 "reaction videos" for Lil Nas X's "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)" uploaded to YouTube.

Source: Global YouTube uploads of videos with variations of "Montero reaction" in the title, 2021.

"Montero" official music video, Lil Nas X's alternative takes and fan uploads featuring the official song have combined for over 490M views globally.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021.

Videos related to trading cards with variations of "break" in the title earned over 10M views in 2020.

Source: Global YouTube views of videos related to trading cards with variations of "break" in the title, YouTube data, global, 2020.

Trevor Noah received 1.3B views on his official channel in 2020.

_Source: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah channel views, global, 2020. _

Views of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah videos increased by over 45% in 2020 when compared to 2019.

Source: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah channel views, global, 2019 compared to 2020.

Lofi Girl's channel has amassed over 930M views.

Source: LoFi Girl channel views, global, all-time.

As many as 65,000 concurrent viewers are tuned into Lofi Girl's livestream at any given moment.

Source: YouTube data, global, Feb 2020 – May 2021.

Travis Scott's own clip of this Fortnite concert has earned over 149M views.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2020.

Marc Rebillet gained over 1M subscribers since March 2020.

Source: Marc Rebillet channel subscribers, global, March 2020.

Videos with #withme in the title have been viewed over 2B times globally in 2020.

Source: Global YouTube views for videos with "#withme" or "with me" in the title, 2020.

Videos with variations of “beginner” in the title collected over 10B views globally in 2020. Source: Global YouTube views for videos with "beginner" in the title, 2020.

Views of videos related to chess have grown over 100% in the last 12 months compared to the 12 months prior.

Source: Global YouTube views for videos related to chess, May 2019 – Apr 2020 compared to May 2020 – Apr 2021.

Across MrBeast's channels, there are over 100M subscribers.

Source: Combined subscribers to MrBeast, MrBeast Gaming, Beast Reacts, MrBeast Shorts, Beast Philanthropy and MrBeast 2, global, all-time.

Across his channels, MrBeast's videos were watched over 1 billion times in April 2021 alone.

Source: Combined views for videos on MrBeast, MrBeast Gaming, Beast Reacts, MrBeast Shorts, Beast Philanthropy and MrBeast 2, global, April 2021.

In 2020, videos from channels in the med student community amassed more than 100 million views.

YouTube views for channels within the current medical community, global, 2020

Uploads of "Study With Me" videos from the current med student community more than doubled from 2019 to 2020

YouTube views of videos with "Study With Me" in the title from channels within the current medical community, global, 2020 compared to 2019

53% agree that watching creators or artists livestream helped them feel connected to other people.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=20,113. Q text: [Among those who have watched creators or artists livestream over the past 12 months] Which of the following, if any, do you agree helped you feel connected to other people? Watched creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube)

85% of people have watched a live stream over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=34,703. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched a live stream [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

67% watch YouTube content on a TV while others were in the same room about once a month or more often.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=34,703. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch YouTube content on a TV while others were in the same room [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

72% of people have posted video content online over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=34,703. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Posted video content online (e.g. to Instagram Stories, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat) [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

82% watch videos that help you learn how to do something about once a month or more often.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=34,703. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos that help you learn how to do something [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

43% got inspired online to start a new collection or hobby over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=34,703. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Got inspired to start a new collection or hobby (e.g. trading cards, plants, etc.)

53% agree that, over the past 12 months, a video they watched helped them feel like they were in a different place.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=34,754. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. A video I watched helped me feel like I was in a different place [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

The official music video for "Montero" has been viewed more than 240M times on YouTube.

YouTube data, global, 2021

Videos with “Dream SMP’’ in the title accumulated over 2B views since May 2020.

Source: YouTube, global, videos with "Dream SMP" in the title, May 2020 – May 2021

51% watched a podcast recording over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, POL, CHE, MX, KOR, CAN, TUR, JP, BR, KSA, EGY, May 2021. n=34,703. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched a podcast recording (e.g. on a video platform like YouTube or Instagram)


44% of Japanese people agree that watching creators or artists livestream made them feel connected to other people.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Japan, May 2021. n=885. Q text: [Among those who have watched creators or artists livestream over the past 12 months] Which of the following, if any, do you agree helped you feel connected to other people? Watched creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube)

64% of Japanese people watch videos that help you learn how to do something at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Japan, May 2021. n=1,977. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos that help you learn how to do something [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

There were over 3M all-time views on the Mafumafu's audience less livestream concert at the Tokyo Dome and over 180K+ peak concurrents.

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time.

In February 2021, TOKAI OnAir held a livestream series called "Tredamill walking relay for 48 hours", where members took turns walking on the tredamill. There were over 20M all-time views on the five livestreams in the series.

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time.

THE FIRST TAKE has 4.5M subscribers.

Source: THE FIRST TAKE channel subscribers, global, all-time.

THE FIRST TAKE has over 1B views on the channel.

Source: THE FIRST TAKE channel views, global, all-time.

LiSA's "homura" video on The First Take's channel has over 45M views.

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time.

夫が障害者になった妻の壮絶な1日ルーティーン video has over 5.5M views.

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time.

Average daily views of videos related to Apex Legends increased by 350% in 2020 compared to the average daily views in 2019 post-game launch.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021 compared to 2020.

There were over 65M views in Japan of videos with "自然音" or "nature sounds" in the title in 2020.

JP views of videos with "自然音" or "nature sounds" in the title, 2020.

47% of Japanese people have posted video content online over the past 12 months (e.g. to Instagram Stories, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat).

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Japan, May 2021. n=1,977. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Posted video content online (e.g. to Instagram Stories, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat) [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

64% of Japanese people have watched a live stream over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Japan, May 2021. n=1,977. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched a live stream [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

In Japan, over 20M people streamed YouTube on their TV screens in March 2021.

Source: YouTube Internal Data, JP, March 2021

In March 2021, over 20% of logged-in JP YouTube CTV viewers watched content almost exclusively (>=90%) on the TV screen.

Source: YouTube Internal Data, JP, March 2021.

When watching YouTube on the TV screen in March 2021, JP viewers watched videos that were on average over 10% longer than the average of those viewed on mobile and desktop, and the average view was over 60% longer.

Source: YouTube Internal Data, JP, March 2021

According to a survey by Intage, over 50% of those who watch YouTube on TV screen, watch it along with family, partners and friends.

Source: Google/Intage, JP, Audience Research 2020, August 2020. Audience Research 1, Q26

According to a survey by Intage, over 65% of those who watch YouTube on TV screen, watch it in their living room.

Source: Google/Intage, JP, Audience Research 2020, n=4,666, August 2020. Audience Research 1, Q25

Watch time of music content on TV screens has grown over 50% year over year in Japan as of March 2021.

Source: YouTube Internal Data, JP, Mar 2021 vs. Mar 2020

Watch time of fitness content on TV screens has grown over 130% year over year in Japan as of March 2021.

Source: YouTube Internal Data, JP, Mar 2021 vs. Mar 2020

Watch time of humor content on TV screens has grown over 60% year over year in Japan as of March 2021.

Source: YouTube Internal Data, JP, Mar 2021 vs. Mar 2020


서울시 · Seoul New Year's Eve livestream received over 77K concurrent views, and over 400K views in total.

Source: YouTube data, global, Jan 2021.

The livestream received over 17K concurrent views, and over 530K views in total.

_Source: global, SIYEON HAN. _

Between 1 May 2020 to 31 Apr 2021, "study with me" videos were viewed more than 95M times in Korea, up over 160% compared to the previous year.

Source: YouTube Korea, videos with "study with me" or "스터디윗미" in the title, May 2019 – Apr 2021.

BTS teaser livestream for "Butter" saw over 960K peak concurrent views, and has amassed over 13M views in total.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021.

Between 1 May 2020 to 31 Apr 2021, views of videos with the keyword ‘출산 브이로그' (birth vlog) in the title increased by more than 250% compared to the previous year in Korea.

Source: YouTube data, Korea, videos with the keyword ‘출산 브이로그' (birth vlog) in the title, May 2019 – Apr 2021.

52% of Koreans agree that part of the fun of livestreams is participating in the comments.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Part of the fun of livestreams is participating in the comments [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree].

45% of Koreans watch an event virtually that they never would have been able to attend in the real world at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch an event virtually that I never would have been able to attend in the real world (e.g. NASA Mars landing, concert in a different location) [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

41% of Koreans have watched content that helped motivate them to do something.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you watched online, streaming, TV or elsewhere? Content that helped motivate me to do something (e.g. motivate me to study, motivate me to clean, etc.)

64% of Koreans discover or rewatch content from previous decades at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Discover or rewatch content from previous decades [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month].

43% of Koreans agree that watching livestreams can be just as good as being at the event in person.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Watching livestreams can be just as good as being at the event in person [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

52% of Koreans watch livestreams of concerts or events at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch livestreams of concerts or events [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

56% of Koreans watch videos online to connect with people at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos online to connect with people [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

47% of Koreans agree that, over the past 12 months, they watched video for the audio experience more often.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. I watched video for the audio experience more often [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

56% of Koreans watch videos online to connect with people at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos online to connect with people [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

41% of Koreans agree that videos are more engaging when they know others are watching at the same time.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Videos are more engaging when I know others are watching at the same time [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

40% of Koreans agree that they like livestreams because they can interact in real time with others.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? I like livestreams because I can interact in real time with others (e.g. viewers or creators) [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

77% of Koreans watch videos that help you learn how to do something at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Korea, May 2021. n=1,951. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos that help you learn how to do something [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]


In Mexico, videos about Attack on Titan have received over 200M views in 2021.

Source: YouTube data, Mexico, 2021

Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover Land on Mars! livestream received more than 2M peak concurrent viewers.

Source: YouTube data, Global, 18 Feb 2021.

BTS teaser livestream for "Butter"saw over 960K peak concurrent views, and has amassed over 17M views in total.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021.

Videos with ‘Egoland’ in the title have received over 280M views since January 2021.

Source: YouTube data, Global, videos with "Egoland" in the title, Jan-Feb 2021.

So far in 2021, MX, CO, CL, AR, and PE have combined for 900M views of videos related to Friday Night Funkin.

Source: YouTube data, MX, CO, CL, AR, PE, 2021

58% of Mexicans agree that, over the past 12 months, they have used YouTube to help feel connected with others.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. I have used YouTube to help feel connected with others over the past 12 months [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

92% of Mexicans have watched a live stream over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched a live stream [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

70% of Mexicans agree that they like to put on videos to keep them company while they do other things.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? I like to put on videos to keep me company while I do other things [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

66% of Mexicans agree that, over the past 12 months, a video they watched helped them feel like they were in a different place.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. A video I watched helped me feel like I was in a different place [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

75% of Mexicans agree that content does not need to be professional-looking for them to find it valuable.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Content does not need to be professional-looking for me to find it valuable [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

67% of Mexicans who watched videos that set the mood or a certain ambiance over the past 12 months were trying to set an uplifting mood.

_Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=856. Q text: [Among those who have watched videos that set the mood or a certain ambiance over the past 12 months] Typically, what mood or moods were you trying to set? Uplifting _

93% of Mexicans watch videos that help you learn how to do something at least once a month

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos that help you learn how to do something [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

70% of Mexicans watched a podcast recording over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947 Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched a podcast recording (e.g. on a video platform like YouTube or Instagram)

69% of Mexicans watch an event virtually that they never would have been able to attend in the real world at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch an event virtually that I never would have been able to attend in the real world (e.g. NASA Mars landing, concert in a different location) [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

59% of Mexicans got inspired online to start a new collection or hobby over the past 12 months

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Got inspired to start a new collection or hobby (e.g. trading cards, plants, etc.)

57% of Mexicans have watched content that helped motivate them to do something.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you watched online, streaming, TV or elsewhere? Content that helped motivate me to do something (e.g. motivate me to study, motivate me to clean, etc.)

66% of Mexicans agree that they like livestreams because they can interact in real time with others.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? I like livestreams because I can interact in real time with others (e.g. viewers or creators) [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

59% of Mexicans participate in a challenge at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Mexico, May 2021. n=1,947. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Participate in a challenge (e.g. a dance challenge, exercise challenge) [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]


Marília Mendonça, one of the great stars of sertanejo in Brazil, made a live broadcast directly from her living room, attracting over 3.3M peak concurrents.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021

In 2020, there were over 1.5B views of videos related to Pokémon Trading Cards.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2020

Videos related to Attack on Titan gave garnered more than 7.5B views globally since the release of Season 4.

Source: YouTube data, global, 7 Dec 2020 – 15 May 2021

BTS teaser livestream for "Butter" - which featured an animated slab of butter slowly melting -- saw over 960K peak concurrent views, and has amassed over 17M views in total.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021

Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover Land on Mars! livestream received more than 2M peak concurrent viewers.

Source: YouTube data, global, 2021

Lofi Girl's channel has earned over 3.8 million new subscribers since March 2020.

Source: YouTube data, global, March 2020 - May 2021

Views of POV motorcycle videos with variations of "motovlog" in the title received over 40M views in Brazil since 2020.

Source: YouTube data, Brazil, Jan 2020 - May 2021

Since January 2020, Flow Podcast has gained more than 200 million views.

Source: YouTube data, global, Jan 2020 - May 2021

56% of Brazilians agree that, over the past 12 months, they have used YouTube to help feel connected with others .

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazile, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. I have used YouTube to help feel connected with others over the past 12 months [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

89% of Brazilians watch videos that help you learn how to do something at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos that help you learn how to do something [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

89% of Brazilians have watched a live stream over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched a live stream [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

56% of Brazilians watched a podcast recording over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched a podcast recording (e.g. on a video platform like YouTube or Instagram)

56% of Brazilians agree that watching livestreams of events helped them feel connected to other people.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,042. Q text: [Among those who have watched livestreams of events over the past 12 months] Which of the following, if any, do you agree helped you feel connected to other people? Watched livestreams of events (e.g. concerts, sporting events)

59% of Brazilians have watched content that helped motivate them to do something.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you watched online, streaming, TV or elsewhere? Content that helped motivate me to do something (e.g. motivate me to study, motivate me to clean, etc.)

70% of Brazilians watch YouTube content on a TV while others were in the same room at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch YouTube content on a TV while others were in the same room [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

76% of Brazilians agree that content does not need to be professional-looking for them to find it entertaining.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Content does not need to be professional-looking for me to find it entertaining [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

93% of Brazilians have watched video content online over the past 12 month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Brazil, May 2021. n=1,818. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched video content online [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]


Views for videos with variations of “retour de course” in the title have increased by 90% between 2019 and 2020 in France.

Source: YouTube, France, videos with variations of “retour de course” in the title, 2020 vs 2019.

Channel Squeezie’s "Minecraft Werewolves" series of videos received more than 65M views during 2020.

Source: YouTube data, global, views of "Minecraft Werewolves" videos from Squeezie's channel, 2020

There have been more than 16M views for videos with “qui de nous” in the title in France since 1 Jan 2021.

Source: YouTube data, France, 1 Jan 2021 - 17 May 2021. Videos with “qui de nous” in the title.

55% of French people watched reaction videos / explainers over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched reaction videos / explainers

81% of French people have watched a live stream over the past 12 months.

_Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched a live stream [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months] _

73% of French people watch videos that help you learn how to do something at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos that help you learn how to do something [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

74% of French people have video chatted / conferenced (e.g. Zoom, FaceTime, HouseParty, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams) over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021 n=1,948. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Video chatted / conferenced (e.g. Zoom, FaceTime, HouseParty, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams) [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

67% of French people have posted video content online (e.g. to Instagram Stories, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat) over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Posted video content online (e.g. to Instagram Stories, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat) [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

93% of French people have watched video content online over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched video content online [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

51% of French people agree that watching creators or artists livestream made them feel connected to other people.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,042. Q text: [Among those who have watched creators or artists livestream over the past 12 months] Which of the following, if any, do you agree helped you feel connected to other people? Watched creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube)

42% of French people watched livestreams of events over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched livestreams of events (e.g. concerts, sporting events) over the past 12 months

51% of French people agree that watching creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) helped them feel connected to other people.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,042. Q text: [Among those who have watched creators or artists livestream over the past 12 months] Which of the following, if any, do you agree helped you feel connected to other people? Watched creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube)

54% of French people who watched videos that set the mood or a certain ambiance over the past 12 months were trying to set a cheerful mood.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=534. Q text: [Among those who have watched videos that set the mood or a certain ambiance over the past 12 months] Typically, what mood or moods were you trying to set? Cheerful

51% of French people agree that they like it when creators and influencers are candid about money (e.g. how they make money, how they spend it, etc).

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? I like it when creators and influencers are candid about money (e.g. how they make money, how they spend it, etc) [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

55% of French people agree that content does not need to be professional-looking for them to find it entertaining.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Content does not need to be professional-looking for me to find it entertaining [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

55% of French people agree that content does not need to be professional-looking for them to find it valuable.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Content does not need to be professional-looking for me to find it valuable [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

52% of French people watch videos online to connect with people at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos online to connect with people [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

51% of French people discover or rewatch content from previous decades at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in France, May 2021. n=1,948. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Discover or rewatch content from previous decades [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]


76% of Germans have video chatted / conferenced over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021 n=1,953. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Video chatted / conferenced (e.g. Zoom, FaceTime, HouseParty, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams) [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

58% of Germans have posted video content online over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Posted video content online (e.g. to Instagram Stories, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat) [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

76% of Germans have watched a live stream over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched a live stream [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

90% of Germans have watched video content online over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched video content online [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

54% of Germans watched reaction videos / explainers over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched reaction videos / explainers

59% of Germans who watched videos that set the mood or a certain ambiance over the past 12 months were trying to set a cheerful mood.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=576. Q text: [Among those who have watched videos that set the mood or a certain ambiance over the past 12 months] Typically, what mood or moods were you trying to set? Cheerful

46% of Germans agree that, over the past 12 months, video chatting helped them feel more connected.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,483. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. Video chatting helped me feel more connected [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

44% of Germans agree that they like it when creators and influencers respond to or react to user comments.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? I like it when creators and influencers respond to or react to user comments (e.g. with replies, likes, hearts) [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

54% of Germans agree that content does not need to be professional-looking for them to find it entertaining.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Content does not need to be professional-looking for me to find it entertaining [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

54% of Germans agree that content does not need to be professional-looking for them to find it valuable.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Content does not need to be professional-looking for me to find it valuable [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

41% of Germans agree that part of the fun of livestreams is watching simultaneously with a friend.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online content? Part of the fun of livestreams is watching simultaneously with a friend [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

48% of Germans connect with friends for virtual social activities at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Connect with friends for virtual social activities (e.g. happy hours, game nights) [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

70% of Germans watch videos that help you learn how to do something at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch videos that help you learn how to do something [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

54% of Germans watch YouTube content on a TV while others were in the same room at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Watch YouTube content on a TV while others were in the same room [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

53% of Germans discover or rewatch content from previous decades at least once a month.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Germany, May 2021. n=1,953. Q text: Nowadays, how often, if at all, do you do each of the following? Discover or rewatch content from previous decades [Sum of multiple times a day to about once a month]

UiiiMemo gained over 230K subscribers in the week between April 25 and May 2, 2021.

Source: UiiiMemo channel subscribers, global, 25 Apr 2021 – 2 May 2021

Joey's Jungle's Coming Out video has over 2.4M views.

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time

Videos with "Jerusalema" and "dance" in the title have earned over 45M views in Germany.

Source: YouTube, Germany, videos with "Jerusalema" and "dance" in the title, all-time

In 2020, there were over 49M views of videos related to Pokémon Trading Cards in Germany.

Source: YouTube, Germany, videos related to Pokemon trading cards, 2020

SÄÄFTIG's "Bayrisch Drip" music video has over 8.6M views.

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time

There are over 1.9M views on this video: "lo fi merkelwave beats to relax/get nothing done to."

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time

There are over 500K views on this video: DIE BESTE INSTANZ presented by ENISSA AMANI.

Source: YouTube data, global, all-time

There have been 1,000 videos with variations of "Capital Bra" and "BraTee" uploaded to


Source: YouTube, global, 2021


ALL-TIME VIEWS: AFTV's Chelsea vs Arsenal Watchalong in May 2021 has earned over 400K views, which is over 9 times bigger than Stamford Bridge (capacity: 41K), where the match was held.

Source: YouTube data, global, 12 May 2021 – 26 May 2021

ALL-TIME VIEWS: AFTV's Arsenal vs Villarreal Watchalong in May 2021 has earned over 800K views, which is over 13 times the capacity of Emirates Stadium (capacity: 61K), where the match was held.

Source: YouTube data, global, 6 May 2021 – 26 May 2021

SINGLE-DAY VIEWS: AFTV's Chelsea vs Arsenal Watchalong had over 300K single-day views May 12th, which is 7 times bigger than Stamford Bridge (capacity: 41K), where the match was held.

Source: YouTube data, global, 12 May 2021

SINGLE-DAY VIEWS: AFTV's Arsenal vs Villarreal Watchalong had over 625K single-day views May 6th, which is over 10 times the capacity of Emirates Stadium (capacity: 61K), where the match was held.

Source: YouTube data, global, 6 May 2021

Since the Handforth Parish Council meeting went viral, more than 500 videos related to the meeting have been uploaded.

Source: Global YouTube uploads of videos with "Handforth parish council" or "Jackie Weaver" in the title, YouTube data, global, March 2021 - May 2021

Compilations, news reports and interviews highlighting the now infamous Handforth Parish Council have combined for over 9.5M views.

Source: Global YouTube views for videos with "Handforth parish council" or "Jackie Weaver" in the title, YouTube data, global, March 2021 - May 2021

Rate My Takeaway earned more than 115k subscribers during April 2021. At the start of the month, the channel only had 973 subscribers.

Source: Rate My Takeaway channel subscribers, YouTube data, global, Apr 2021

In the week after their welcome video, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge amassed over 500K subscribers on their official YouTube channel.

Source: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge channel subscribers, YouTube data, global, 5 May 2021 - 12 May 2021

In just a week, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge earned over 3.3M views on their channel's welcome video.

Source: YouTube data, global, 5 May 2021 - 12 May 2021

58% of British people agree that, over the past 12 months, they have used online resources to feel connected with others.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in the United Kingdom, May 2021. n=1,944. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. I have used online resources to feel connected with others over the past 12 months [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]

78% of British people have watched a live stream over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in the United Kingdom, May 2021. n=1,944. Q text: Over the past 12 months, typically how often, if at all have you done each of the following? Watched a live stream [Sum of multiple times a day to less often than once every three months]

43% of British people watched creators or artists livestream.

_Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in the United Kingdom, May 2021. n=1,944. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) _

43% of British people watched reaction videos / explainers over the past 12 months.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in the United Kingdom, May 2021. n=1,944. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched reaction videos / explainers


From January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, videos with the Arabic form of “with my followers” in the title gained 134 million views, a 150% increase from the total 52 million views in 2019.

Source: MENA views of videos with the Arabic form of “with my followers” in the title, 2019 – 2020

Of the top 100 most subscribed Arabic-speaking creators in the Middle East & North Africa over the past year, over 25% of the creators are based outside of the region.

Source: MENA subscribers of Arabic speaking channels, Feb 2020-Feb 2021.

From January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, videos with Arabic variations of “I made the biggest” in the title gained 91 million views, a 400% increase from the total 17 million views in 2019.

Source: MENA views of videos with Arabic variations of “I made the biggest” in the title, 2019 – 2020

From January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, uploads of videos with Arabic versions of “I made the biggest” in the title saw a 425% increase from 2019.

Source: MENA uploads of videos with Arabic variations of “I made the biggest” in the title, 2019 – 2020

Uploads of videos related to Ramadan and Craft videos grew by over 350% in Ramadan 2020 versus Ramadan the previous year.

Source: MENA uploads of videos related to Ramadan and Craft, 2019 – 2020

Anasala Family’s #KeepUsWarm fundraising livestream had over 6 million views on 14 Feb 2021.

Source: YouTube data, global, 14 Feb 2021

The “AboFlah subscribers good deeds project” livestream had over 5M views on 4 Dec 2020.

Source: YouTube data, global, 4 Dec 2020

Uploads of videos with the Arabic form of ‘dialect challenge’ in the title grew by over 140% in 2020 from 2019.

Source: Global uploads of videos with the Arabic form of ‘dialect challenge’ in the title, 2019 – 2020

عندك دقيقتين ؟ gained over 30K subs in April 2021.

Source: عندك دقيقتين ؟ channel subscribers, YouTube data, global, Apr 2021

There were over a billion views on videos related to Among Us in MENA in 2020.

Source: MENA views of videos related to Among Us, 2020

Uploads of videos related to Minecraft with the Arabic term "Ramadan" in the title increased by over 140% during the period of Ramadan in 2021 vs. 2020.

Source: MENA uploads of videos related to Minecraft with the Arabic term for "Ramadan" in the title, 2020 – 2021

Uploads of videos related to Roblox with the Arabic term "Ramadan" in the title increased by over 2000% during the period of Ramadan in 2021 vs. 2020.

Source: MENA uploads of videos related to Roblox with the Arabic term for "Ramadan" in the title, 2020 – 2021

52% of Saudi Arabians and 50% of Egyptians agree that watching creators or artists livestream made them feel connected to other people.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Saudi Arabia, May 2021. n=1,239. Q text: [Among those who have watched creators or artists livestream over the past 12 months] Which of the following, if any, do you agree helped you feel connected to other people? Watched creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Egypt, May 2021. n=1,285. Q text: [Among those who have watched creators or artists livestream over the past 12 months] Which of the following, if any, do you agree helped you feel connected to other people? Watched creators or artists livestream (e.g. on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube)

40% of Saudi Arabians watched Minecraft videos online over the past 12 months.

_Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Saudi Arabia, May 2021. n=1,790. Q text: Over the past 12 months, which, if any, of the following have you personally done online? Watched Minecraft videos online _

68% of Saudi Arabians and 70% of Egyptians agree that, over the past 12 months, they have used YouTube to help feel connected with others.

Source: On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Saudi Arabia, May 2021. n=1,790. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. I have used YouTube to help feel connected with others over the past 12 months [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree] On behalf of YouTube, Ipsos MORI conducted online survey of individuals aged 18-44 in Egypt, May 2021. n=1,779. Q text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Over the past 12 months.. I have used YouTube to help feel connected with others over the past 12 months [Sum of strongly agree and tend to agree]"